I suspect no one.
In the past when I've needed changes merged in this codebase I've had to actively search out people who feel comfortable reviewing it and +2ing it. This isn't exclusive to ConfirmEdit, I feel in core, it's very hard to get code merged unless it maps to a team and a problem they are facing or a long term goal e.g. I thought it worked well when Bartosz outlined his plans for skins, this made it really easy for me to follow the narrative in his commits to getting to that goal and thus help out with code review.
I personally think the idea of a code maintainer is outdated, we should all be maintaining the code in the MediaWiki world. The problem with ConfirmEdit from my perspective is that it has no tests and it is an important part of our stack. Thus I'm more reluctant to merge code there that I don't completely understand and will be slower even if you add me to commits.
I've added myself to the bug, I'll take a look when I feel comfortable I have the time to review it in full.
I think there's two takeaways from this: * We need to improve test coverage of our legacy code - browser tests or unit tests to support code review * When fixing bugs in neglected code bases, it's good to line up someone who can commit to reviewing it before you submit it for review (a bug fix for Flow, MobileFrontend or VisualEditor is likely to get reviewed quicker since a team is actively working on that code base)
As for your issue I'll help when I can :)
On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Florian Schmidt florian.schmidt.welzow@t-online.de wrote:
Hello together!
I have a short question: There is a changeset in gerrit[1] for ConfirmEdit, which enables to show a Captcha directly after the „Edit“ click, instead of a first „Save“ click (see Commit Msg and the Bug report[2] for more details). This change was uploaded on May 30, 2014, unhappily without any review until now. The list of maintainers for Wikimedia extensions [3] lists only „Emufarmers“ as a maintainer. Unhappily he/she only maintains the FancyCaptcha module of ConfirmEdit (iirc the irc talk). So, my question: Ist here anyone who maintains the core part of ConfirmEdit? Is there anyone who can/want give the change a review?
Thanks in advance!
[1] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/136323
[2] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19648
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developers/Maintainers
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