Actually, it's very easy to hack an instant clutter killer for every page on default skin (and colonge blue skin, heck with the old "nostalgic skin", it doesn't even work with hebrew):
function doBeforeContent() { ... $s .= "<td {$borderhack} align='$l' valign='top'>";
//$s .= $this->topLinks() ; (commented, bye bye junk on top) $s .= "<p class='subtitle'>" . $this->pageTitleLinks(); ... }
function doAfterContent() { ... // $s .= $this->bottomLinks(); (removed duplicate links) $s .= "\n<br>" //. $this->mainPageLink() (removed duplicate link) . " | " . $this->aboutLink() // . " | " . $this->specialLink( "recentchanges" ) (removed duplicate link) . " | " . $this->searchForm() //(this is duplicate but probably useful) . "<br>" . $this->pageStats(); ... }
and that's about it, If I had dev access I would have put it already, I don't think Hebopedia users would protest :-) --Rotem