While trying to load data in categorylinks_table I get the mysql error 1071 or 1064 as you can see belove. MySQL version on my Linux Fedora Core 3 is Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386) Can somebody help me? Thanks, Mircea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysql> ro < /mnt/120GB/wikipedia/encic/ro/ro_categorylinks_table.sql -> ; ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ro < /mnt/120GB/wikipedia/encic/ro/ro_categorylinks_table.sql' at line 1 mysql> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [mircea@h bat]$ mysql -u mircea -psome_pass ro < /mnt/120GB/wikipedia/encic/ro/ro_categorylinks_table.sql; ERROR 1071 at line 12: Specified key was too long. Max key length is 500 [mircea@h bat]$ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------