Hello Everyone,
I am working on improving developer productivity! Specifically, I am aiming
to improve the local development environment.
Satisfaction with the local development environment got the second lowest
score in the developer satisfaction survey, and we (Release Engineering)
would like to find out which things about it you like, and which are
troublesome. In order to do so, we need your help! I’d love to have the
opportunity to interview you about your local setup and/or observe how you
interact with it.
Please send me an email if you’d like to participate, and I or one of my
colleagues will schedule some time with you.
I’m looking forward to our conversations. This is a chance for you to shape
the local development environment, so please don’t hold back :)
Outcomes resulting from the interviews (non personally identifiable
information) will be made available after analysis has been completed.
Jeena Huneidi
Software Engineer, Release Engineering
Wikimedia Foundation