==2018-04-25 ==
== Callouts ==
* Fundraising campaigns - next up:
Netherlands 2018-04-03 through 2018-05-01
* RelEng could use some help to get rebuildLocalisationCache.php back
up-to-normal speed -- if you have experience with hhvm
== Audiences ==
=== Readers ===
==== iOS native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**Released 5.8 with Reading Lists, now working on a point release (…)
**Joe to return next week (4/30)
==== Android native app ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Released Reading list syncing!
==== Readers Web ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**Page previews enwiki launch
**Post-launch page preview bug fixes and clean up
**Starting page issues work
**Planning for MobileFrontend & MinervaNeue frontend architecture
**Fixing mobile watchlist bugs
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra
==== Readers Infrastructure ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** CSS endpoints rolled out (!/Mobile/get_data_css_mobile_site)
** Added Bosnian Wikipedia to supported wikis for featured article,
In-the-news, and On-This-Day
** Working on simplistic browser extension to add the current page to the
default reading list (for logged in users)
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Readers|Increase code sharing of
client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server]]
***Reading Infra depends on Parsing, Services
===== Maps =====
* Blocked by: None
* Blocking: None
* Updates:
** Work being done by collab team
** Paul is out next scrum of scrums
*==== Multimedia ====*
* Updates
**Wikibase patches for file page prototype going through
** Search work continuing for 'depicts'
** File captions - currently working through changing the name of the field
for MediaInfo
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 3.1]] Prepare
for launch of the first Structured Data on Commons feature (multilingual
file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
** [[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 2.1]]
Integrate structured file captions into search
*** SDC depends on Search Platform, Multimedia
4, Outcome 2]]: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for
Structured Commons- T171252
***Research depends on Multimedia
=== Contributors ===
==== Community Tech ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Just like last week: GlobalPreferences, CodeMirror, TemplateWizard
==== Anti-Harassment Tools ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking: None
* Updates: None
** Updating Block Notices on Mobile
** Adding Cookie Blocking to IP Users
==== Editing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
** Updates:
==== Parsing ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** We are considering removing newline stripping in image captions. See
** In we are beginning to make
wikitext handling a bit more uniform across extensions and outside
extensions, so there are fewer surprises / edge cases. That is yet to be
flushed out, but is an advance heads up.
** Tidy removal is going apace -- another 40+ wikis will switch next week.
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.6]] Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
*** Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Readers|Increase code sharing of
client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server]]
Increase code sharing of client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to
the server.
*** Reading Infra depends on Parsing, Services
[[Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q4#Program 7. Smart tools for better
data|Outcome 2: Objective 1]]: Revision storage scaling phab task ?
*** Services depends on SRE, Parsing
==== Collaboration ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Localized maps deployed on testwiki and test2wiki, announcement coming
*** Test page:
** Going to deploy <mapframe> to English Wikipedia on April 30th
==== Language ====
* Blocked by: None
* Blocking: None
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.1]] Improve and consolidate our unified editing platform so that it's
great on all devices
***Language depends on Editing
=== Audiences Design ===
==== UI Standardization ====
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** OOUI – v0.26.5 released:;v…
*** 5 style changes, 5 code improvements. Among those
**** De-emphasize toolgroup borders in order to visually de-clutter VE
**** PopupTool: Set active state depending on whether popup is open, again
a change with visual impact, providing better user-friendliness
**** Toolbar: Put all popups (from PopupToolGroup and PopupTool) into an
** DateTimeInputWidget has been aligned to other WikimediaUI widgets
** Style Guide technical and content improvements ongoing with 6 open PRs
** Transparency Report now fully conformant to WCAG 2.0 level AA
== Technology ==
=== Analytics ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** Wikistats outage: bad data load led to a couple of days of unstable
data, found the problems and rolled back, will update again soon, numbers
are good now but missing 2018-03
** Wikistats is a little more mobile touch friendly, hover interaction a
little better in general
** Wikistats titles and meta tags are now more SEO-friendly
** Spark 2 is now the default spark experience on the cluster
** lots of prep work for the Kafka cluster upgrade, already started
updating some of the machines, monitoring, etc.
** page preview aggregate data is available now in a Hive table
** fixed wmf.mediawiki_user_history and wmf.mediawiki_page_history tables
(they had bad column names which led to null values)
** fixed pagecounts-ez and mediacounts datasets outage problem
=== Cloud Services ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
=== Fundraising Tech ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**DonationInterface: new recurring contribution API for main card processor
**CiviCRM: Debugging nasty transaction handling failures
** Working on getting landing page and banner impression EventLogging data
into payments cluster DBs
=== MediaWiki Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.6]] Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
***Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions) phab
task ?
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
** [[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 1.1]] Assist
with deploying MultiContent Revisions on Commons
[[phab:T174022|T174022]] Implement multi-content revisions,
[[phab:T174023|T174023]] Implement MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174045|T174045]] DB schema migration for MCR,
[[phab:T174044|T174044]] Deploy MCR storage layer, [[phab:T174043|T174043]]
Deploy Multi-Content Revisions
***SDC depends on MediaWiki Platform, WMDE
=== Performance ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
**Good progress consolidating our tools, getting them out of puppet
** Rolling out a tool called PerformanceInspector over the next couple of
weeks -- will allow community members to get a bunch of performance data
about pages on the wikis
** Doing some optimizations of ResourceLoader
** Making some fixes to MW Core to prep for PHP7
** Refactoring Varnish logging stuff to use mtail instead of a couple of
deprecated varnish tools
** mcrouter is now being used in deployment-prep
** WebPageTest fully migrated over to Linux hosts
=== Release Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
** rebuildLocalisationCache.php/localization update rebuilds are taking 40
minutes for full scaps (used to take 8minutes)
*** See: if you have hhvm
internals help to give :)
* Blocking:
** none?
* Updates:
** 1.32.0-wmf.1 is going out this week, wmf.30 was finally completed Monday
** Scap MediaWiki canary changes using service-check (hopefully live Soon™,
working in beta)
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
** No updates from us (if something specific needed from us, ping us!)
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra
=== Research ===
* Blocked by: None
* Blocking: None
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions) phab
task ?
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
4, Outcome 2]]: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for
Structured Commons- [[phab:T171252|T171252]]
***Research depends on Multimedia
** Most of the teams is at the Web Conference
=== Scoring Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
=== Search Platform ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** New analysis plugin deployed: enabling
Serbian and in the future other stemmers
** Solvak stemmer added, deploy & reindexing next:
** Some fixes for deep category search:,
** Wikibase Lexeme search patches merged
** Internal WDQS cluster installed, switching traffic to it soon:
** Working on indexing external IDs and string properties for Wikibase:
** Evaluating feature generation by `query_explorer` functionality of LTR
** Working on query parsing refactoring:
** WDQS GUI automatic build moving along, thanks RelEng:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions) phab
task ?
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|*Objective 2.1]]
Integrate structured file captions into search
*** SDC depends on Search Platform, Multimedia
=== Security ===
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
3.6]]: Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
***Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
=== Services ===
* Blocked by: Several job serialization tasks, will talk to owners of the
said jobs
* Blocking: none
* Updates:
** Enabled support for EventBus and kafka job queue for private wikis
** Replaced SSDs on restbase1010, rebootstrapped cassandra there
** CSS endpoint for reading infra deployed
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Readers|Increase code sharing of
client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server.]]
***Reading Infra/Parsing, Services
3.6]] Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in
liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
***Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services
[[Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q4#Program 7. Smart tools for better
data|Outcome 2: Objective 1]]: Revision storage scaling phab task ?
*** Services depends on SRE, Parsing
=== Site Reliability Engineering ===
* Blocked by:
** None
* Blocking:
** None
* Updates:
** Have a look at
** Work on getting proton up (QR goal for Reading Web) and running started
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
1, Objective 4]]: Continue improving the ways that users can download
articles of interest for later consumption
*** Reading Web depends on SRE, RelEng, Reading Infra
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions)
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
[[Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2017-18 Q4#Program 7. Smart tools for better
data|Outcome 2: Objective 1]]: Revision storage scaling phab task ?
*** Services depends on SRE, Parsing
== Wikidata ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
*Quarterly goal dependency update:
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Prepare for launch of the
first Structured Data on Commons feature]] (multilingual file captions) phab
task ?
***SDC depends on Multimedia/,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki
Platform, Research
**[[Wikimedia Audiences/2017-18 Q4 Goals#Programs|Objective 1.1]] Assist
with deploying MultiContent Revisions on Commons
[[phab:T174022|T174022]] Implement multi-content revisions,
[[phab:T174023|T174023]] Implement MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174045|T174045]] DB schema migration for MCR,
[[phab:T174044|T174044]] Deploy MCR storage layer,
[[phab:T174043|T174043]]Deploy Multi-Content Revisions
***SDC depends on MediaWiki Platform, WMDE
== German Technical Wishlist ==
* Blocked by:
* Blocking:
* Updates:
** ICU 57 migration done
** Appservers are being reimaged to Debian Stretch
== SoS Meeting Bookkeeping ==
* Updates:
**Request from SRE: Please either add phab tasks to all goals so that work
can be tracked and updates can be made in a meaningful way even across
large and diverse teams, or let's just drop the quarterly goal dependency
Greetings !
I am Tanvi Dadu, GSoC 2018 participant . I will be implementing Feedback
Sharing Module in Commons App and
<>, for users who have a
high upload revert rate ,as a part of my intern program under Josephine Lim
and Vivek Maskara. I have a keen interest in android development and
participation in GSoC provides a huge opportunity to get acquainted with
the latest technology and work with highly skilled professionals.This is my
first time being a part of a FOSS internship and I am quite excited about
Tanvi Dadu
Sorry for cross-posting!
Reminder: Technical Advice IRC meeting again **tomorrow, Wednesday 3-4 pm
UTC** on #wikimedia-tech.
The Technical Advice IRC meeting is open for all volunteer developers,
topics and questions. This can be anything from "how to get started" over
"who would be the best contact for X" to specific questions on your project.
If you know already what you would like to discuss or ask, please add your
topic to the next meeting:
Hope to see you there!
Michi (for WMDE’s tech team)
Michael F. Schönitzer
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der jeder Mensch an der Menge allen
Wissens frei teilhaben kann. Helfen Sie uns dabei!
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.
On a tangent to T192752 ([1]), are there any general guidelines on which classes are or should be used by core and extension devs on HTML elements for styling?
On I found scattered remarks about mw-ui-progressive, mw-ui-constructive, and the like and I found the page on OOUI ([2]), which I could probably reverse engineer. What I did not find is a comprehensive description of HTML classes, that a skin developer might take as a starting point to work on.
Also, is [2] the way MW core will go and stay on for a while or is it "just" a convenient option for developers?
Last question, is there any deprecation policy in place similar to the one for PHP ([3])?
I meant to send this Tuesday but I forgot.
MediaWiki 1.31 has been branched from master! You should now see a REL1_31
branch where appropriate items should be backported to.
Core was branched at 69257de17fc899c447c9f1229b6ed319bc05d316.
All extensions & skins were branched from their respective masters at about
the same time as core. I plan to cut rc.0 sometime next week.
PHP versions
The current plan of action is to leave master as compatible with 5.5 for
now. This is because Wikimedia production isn't ready quite yet. This is
being tracked at T172165[0]. We will be moving the REL1_31 branch to 7.0+
as the required minimum version. Once production is ready, we'll
forward-port this change to master. It should be a little inconvenient, but
not too terribly bad (and notably, makes life less stressful for our SREs).
In the meantime, please do NOT introduce changes to master that require
7.0+ for core, vendor, or WMF-deployed extensions & skins. Doing so will
make me sad :(
Otherwise, great job on 1.31.x everyone! I'm rather pleased with what I'm
seeing so far. Check out the workboard[1] for ways you can contribute to
getting it wrapped up (and as always, tag issues with that tag if they
should absolutely block release).
Have a fantastic weekend!
[ Crossposting my wikitech-ambassadors post from y'day for those you
active on different wikis. ]
Hello everyone,
As you are aware from previous postings on this list [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[6], we have been progressively replacing Tidy with RemexHtml on all
wikis on the wikimedia cluster. As of today, about 650 wikis have made
the switch that include a number of large wikis. We aim to complete this
switch over on the remaining 250 wikis by end of June 2018. Another 40
or so wikis will be switched on May 2nd.
There are a few large wikis (es, pt, uk, zh especially) that could use
more attention addressing Linter issues so that when we make the switch
end of June, some pages on these wiki don't render differently from how
they do now.
I started investigating more closely where the remaining large wikis are
with respect to the linter issues (high priority categories on the
Special:LintErrors page) that are pertinent to these wikis. I am listing
below results from running sql queries on for these
wikis. If you are a community member on any of these wikis, do try to
address these on your wiki.
15 other large wikis:
See for counts of linter issues
for each of the 9 categories in the main namespace.
* es, pt, uk, zh wikis have total error counts over 10K and in some
cases, it is usually one category which needs attention.
* vi, ro, sr, sh, ar, tr, id are not too bad but don't seem to have seen
a lot of change which indicates that these wikis aren't looking at
linter issues.
* fr, hu, ja, pl wikis seem to be in good shape overall. There has been
a steady fixing of issues and I think all these will will be in fairly
decent shape for replacing Tidy by end of June.…
has some summarized instructions for fixing issues in different categories
English Wikipedia:
See for counts of linter issues
for each of the 9 categories in the main namespace.
English wp has been making slow and gradual progress. I think overall,
despite there still being ~8300 instances (not pages) that need fixing,
enwp is in pretty good shape for replacing Tidy by end of June.
See for counts of linter issues
for each of the 9 categories in the File (ns6), Gallery (ns0), and
Template (ns10) namespaces.
The vast majority of html5-misnesting errors on commons seem to come
from the use of the {{lang}} template which uses a <span> tag to wrap
content. However, it seems to be extremely common to pass content with
paragraphs into the {{lang}} template. Right now, this doesn't cause any
visible rendering issues and could be ignored temporarily, but we
strongly recommend fixing lang to use <div> or on pages which misuse
{{lang}} this way, replace use of {{lang}} by creating a new template
({{lang-block}} maybe?) that uses a <div> tag.
Some tips:
1. On some wikis, fixing templates usually fixes the problem. Over the
last 6 months, I've personally spent many hours fixing 100s of templates
on 10s of different wikis and can personally attest to the efficacy of
that strategy.
2. A lot of the html5-misnesting errors seem to be from incorrectly
using a <span> tag to wrap content that has paragraphs, lists, tables.
In all these cases, changing them to <div> almost always fixes the problem.
If you need any assistance, please leave a message on Between 8 am
- 4pm PST, you can also usually find us on IRC on #mediawiki-parsoid.
(on behalf of the Parsing team @ Wikimedia Foundation)