Wikitech-l July 2016
  • 81 participants
  • 83 discussions
Jenkins building Debian packages
by Antoine Musso 27 Jul '16

27 Jul '16
Wikipedia seeks to speak your language
by Deborah Tankersley 27 Jul '16

27 Jul '16
Scrum of Scrums - 2016-07-27
by Greg Grossmeier 27 Jul '16

27 Jul '16
[[Link]]s deprecated?
by Bináris 27 Jul '16

27 Jul '16

26 Jul '16
The Revision Scoring weekly update
by Amir Ladsgroup 26 Jul '16

26 Jul '16
How to find a repository?
by Purodha Blissenbach 26 Jul '16

26 Jul '16
Canary Deploys for MediaWiki
by Tyler Cipriani 25 Jul '16

25 Jul '16
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