Wikitech-l July 2015
  • 97 participants
  • 74 discussions
MediaWiki user survey and un-reachable users
by Mark A. Hershberger 17 Aug '15

17 Aug '15
Bikeshedding a good name for "the api.php API"
by Brad Jorsch (Anomie) 11 Aug '15

11 Aug '15
30 38
0 0

31 Jul '15
Measuring performance
by Jon Robson 30 Jul '15

30 Jul '15
compressed old_text
by wp mirror 29 Jul '15

29 Jul '15
RFC meeting this week
by Tim Starling 29 Jul '15

29 Jul '15
Phabricator filter by language
by Petr Bena 29 Jul '15

29 Jul '15
Wikipedia iOS app moving to GH
by Brian Gerstle 28 Jul '15

28 Jul '15
11 27
0 0
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