*tl;dr: Mobile Apps will, in partnership with the Services, investigate
building a content service for the Mobile Apps.*
The Mobile Apps Team currently has quite a few pain points with the way we
fetch article content currently:
- We have to make a lot of API requests to load an article: article
HTML, lead image, read more recommendations, and more
- We send the user HTML that we then discard, needlessly increasing data
- We do transforms to the HTML in JavaScript on the client side, which
causes code duplication across the apps and degrades user-perceived
- Trivial changes to the API (e.g. renaming a parameter) can break the
app which is problematic since apps can't be hotfixed easily
To address these challenges, we are considering performing some or all of
these tasks in a service developed by the Mobile Apps Team with help from
Services. This service will hit the APIs we currently hit on the client,
aggregate the content we need on the server side, perform transforms we're
currently doing on the client on the server instead, and serve the full
response to the user via RESTBase. In addition to providing a public API
end point, RESTBase would help with common tasks like monitoring, caching
and authorisation.
So the Mobile Apps Team is going to spend a bit of time investigating
whether using RESTBase with Node.js is an option for building a content
service for the Wikipedia app to replace our current method of retrieving
article content. Our initial scope for this is feature parity with our
current content retrieval method.
Our action items are as follows:
- Wait for RESTBase to be deployed.
- Timescale: Weeks
- Owner: All of us :-)
- Figure out what information the service should serve for the first
iteration (i.e. for feature parity) and what APIs it needs to hit to do that
- Timescale: Wed 4th Feb
- Owner: Dan Garry
- Start implementing the service and see whether it meets our needs
- Timescale: Planning a spike for next apps sprint (16th Feb - 27th Feb)
to perform initial investigation
- Owner: Currently undecided engineer from Mobile Apps, with Services
engineers serving as consultants
As always, feel free to ask if there are any questions.