Hallo all,
I have Mediawiki now for 1 year and everything worked fine.
I upgraded my OS to Fedora Core 4 (from 2) and I upgraded my Mediawiki
version to 1.6.7.
I have set $whUseTex to true and then installed imagemagick, latex,
dvips, gs, and convert, TeTex, Ghostscript and AMS fonts.
I have also compiled texvc.
I next loaded one of his pages and get in red text:
Can't write to or create math output directory)
I can see the PNG-file in the ../images/tmp/ dir, but nothing in math dir...
I thing it has to do something with the new hierarchy of
../images/math/ dir, but I don't know.
images/math exist.
PHP is not runnig under "safe mode".
Please help me, beceause I become crayzy, I am now working days on this issue.
Thanks and kind regards,
Farshad Bashir