I hope this is the correct mailing list to send a bug report and a
feature request.
I was trying to make a \stackrel{\rm def}{=} definition in the TeX
markup. The stackrel command seems to be disallowed however; there's
also the TeX macro \buildrel, namely {\buildrel\rm def \over =}, but
this one isn't allowed either. Ideally stackrel would be supported in
the next version. But, while I tried to create workarounds I stumbled
on some strange behaviour.
A work around I imagened would be using some form of nested \atops,
but this is quite ugly, another form is matrices, but this is quite
ugly too, and requires at least two rows. A third trick would be
{}^{?}_{\rm def} -- ugly too.
A fourth trick is to take advantage of the way sub and supscripts are
rendered for operators, like \sum_{i = 1}^{N}, these are put below and
above the operator, when rendered as a display. And normally, it
seems, this is done, for example \lim_{x \to infty} places the 'lim'
on top of the x \to \infty, yet \mathop{=}^{\rm def} does not do this,
this is rendered 'inline style', that is, with 'def' being placed at
the upperright of the =. This is not the behaviour (La)TeX exhibits.
Is this a feature or a bug of texvc? I suppose support for \stackrel
would be best, because I think the other tricks / workarounds might
lead to quite nasty situations when mathml would be outputted for
example, and the editing gets unclear.