At 11:50 -0500 13/10/05, Jeremy Dunck wrote:
>On 10/13/05, SJ <2.718281828(a)> wrote:
>> In particular, two people (Gordon Joly and Fernanda Viegas) have asked
>> me in the last week if there were such an option.
>What would be an appropriate price markup for this?
>And where are those two folks?
I think I misunderstood this thread when I emailed SJ offlist....
No matter.
I am currently working with a general mysql database backup suite
written in PHP4, which does offer a "mail me the data" option, as
well as option to FTP the "backup archive" to distinct server.
However, the software is no longer being developed, as far as I can
see, and has the limitations of PHP (memory). It works well for small
datasets, but I am having a problem with larger datasets possibly due
to server configurations beyond my control.
Here is a flavour for what happens....
MySQL database backup $Revision: 1.22 $
Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 by Alain Wolf, Zurich - Switzerland
PHP 4.3.2 - SAPI: apache2filter - OS: Linux - PHP Safe-Mode: Off
Starting backup on
Friday 14. October 2005 09:54 BST
Configuration Settings:
Backup to: /
Weekly Backup: No
Monthly Backup: No
Keeping daily backups for 7 days
Keeping weekly backups for 4 weeks
Keeping monthly backups for 3 months
Archiving SQL files: Yes
Archive filename prefix:
Remove SQL-files after archiving: Yes
Compress archive-file: Yes
Send reports by email: Yes
Send backup archive by email: No
Send email message to: brew.master(a)
Upload backup archive to FTP server: No
09:54:29: Diskspace used by MySQL database backup files: 941.8 KB
09:54:29: Beginning backup of MySQL database msx1db22a63 ...
Here is the start of the README file
MySQL database backup is a database backup script written in PHP4.
Most people will used it to have a daily snapshot of the dynamic data
on their website. (e.g. content management systems, forums,
guestbooks etc.)
The script reads all tables in the MySQL databases you coose and
exports (dumps) them in SQL files.
The generated SQL files can be used to rebuild the tables on any
other MySQL database or server or on the same server in case of data-
"Think Feynman"/////////
I followed the discussion in
about how to use an external editor, since the perl solution worked
once and then refused to work, that is clicking to the editing button
did not bring up the editor, I thought of using the bookmarklet
solution, as described in the same page.
However the information is not very detailed. What shall I do with
this small script save it as a file or what?
Any help would be strongly appreciated.
Uwe Brauer
Can we set up a "db dumps by mail" system, for people to get a full db
dump on a hard drive by mail? That's the most efficient way to get
the dumps out to people on slow connections.
We have done this for the <80GB of content on for a few
years; charging a bit over the cost of materials for making each
drive, to support our bandwidth. It has been extremely popular,
particularly in Asia... I am sure the same would be true of a similary
WP/WM program.
In particular, two people (Gordon Joly and Fernanda Viegas) have asked
me in the last week if there were such an option.
-- ++SJ
This 17-line patch maps SSL client certificates, which could be either those
used in my pseudonymity package "nym" or traditionally issued certificates, to
IP addresses in the reserved network. I have a live MediaWiki
installation which uses this patch with nym to allow pseudonymous editing as I
described in my proposal last week. nym-0.3, which includes the patch, can be
found here:
This is the code:
if ( $wgMapClientCertToIP && isset( $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL'] ) ) {
# This is a little classier, but would require
# more codebase changes and might cause subtle bugs
# $ip = 'anonuser.' . $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL'];
# This, on the other hand, is almost guaranteed to work, but could
# cause problems for people using the 10.*.*.* private IP range
if ( $s >= (2 << 24) ) {
die('Client certificate ID too large(!)');
$o1 = ($s >> 16);
$o2 = ($s >> 8) & 255;
$o3 = $s & 255;
$ip = '10.' . $o1 .'.'. $o2 .'.'. $o3;
It should be placed in includes/ProxyTools.php just before the last three lines
of wfGetIP:
wfDebug( "IP: $ip\n" );
$wgIP = $ip;
return $ip;
(I'm using MediaWiki from CVS, ProxyTools.php RCS version 1.6.).
The following should then be added to DefaultSettings.php:
# Enable this setting if you want to use strong authentication
# based on SSL client certificates; the serial number of the certificate
# will be mapped to the last three octets of a 10.*.*.* IP address
$wgMapClientCertToIP = false;
After upgrading from 1.4.10 to 1.4.11, the page:
Still says version 1.4.10... I even ran the upgrade.php script and everything.
I recently did a fresh install of MediaWiki 1.4.10 on a new server and
I'm importing text from my old install. While it worked fine at first,
it suddenly stopped letting me save edits to pages. Instead I seem to
be stuck in preview! I see I'm not the first person to have this
But I can't figure out if there is any solution. Someone said
something about creating a "sessions" directory, but creating such a
directory in wiki folder didn'ty seem to make a difference.
Any ideas?
My wiki is here:
(I used mediawiki-l instead of wikitech-l list...)
We are at the end of the first phase. Brane Jelisavcic finalized
Zhengzhu's work. It is working now on (using MediaWiki 1.5rc4). If anyone
has some questions about that, please, ask it here because Brane reads
this list.
We want to implement this extension on Serbian Wikipedia. What should
we do for that? (I.e., is it enough to ask here, or we should ask for
it somewhere else?)
After the implementation of this part, we would start to work on the
next phase (read-write access to all variants).
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the LoggedOut cookie. I have
two problems:
1) The comments state that it is in order to assist with caching /
refreshing the right information. However, the cookie is only set
(well, can only be set) if the user logs out very explicitly by
clicking the log out button. I suspect, many users will not do that,
e.g. by quitting the browser or abandoning the current session,
leaving that cookie absent or holding the wrong value. How useful can
this mechanism be -- but see next question -- if many/most people do
not / will not activate it?
2) Based on looking at the code, I'm not certain that the caching
behavior implemented with the LoggedOut cookie really works. Also, I
don't recall having ever seen a similar mechanism with any other
website. Is there any Wikipedia-specific functionality that can only
be accomplished with this cookie that somehow I don't see?
I'd really appreciate it if somebody in the know could help me here.
Alternatively, can we get rid of it?!?
Johannes Ernst