I've installed the Wikipedia software on my machine, so I can start
hacking at it. It seems to be working OK, except that I get huge
numbers of PHP warning messages at the top of each page. I can get
rid of them by turning down the level of PHP warnings, but this is a
really bad idea from a bug-prevention point of view.
Looking through some of the old bug reports I see that at least one
of the major bugs was caused precisely by ignoring such messages.
So I have to assume that this is not my just a bad installation on my
part, and that the Wikipedia code really doesn't work properly with
error_reporting turned up full. Clearly this ought to be fixed. But
I can't do this on my own, since in some cases it's unclear what the
purpose of the code is. For example, the first five warnings come from
the following section of wikiSettings.php:
# Namespace backgrounds
$wikiNamespaceBackground = array () ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground[$wikiTalk] = "#eeFFFF" ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground["user_talk"] = $wikiNamespaceBackground["talk"] ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground["wikipedia_talk"] = $wikiNamespaceBackground["talk"] ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground[$wikiUser] = "#FFeeee" ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground[$wikiWikipedia] = "#eeFFee" ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground["log"] = "#FFFFcc" ;
$wikiNamespaceBackground["special"] = "#eeeeee" ;
Here, $wikiTalk, $wikiNamespaceBackground["talk"], $wikiUser and
$wikiWikipedia are all undefined. I've no idea how to clean this
up, because I don't understand what it's supposed to look like.
Why are some of the indices variables and other constants?
In particular, what is the intended distinction between
$wikiNamespaceBackground["talk"] and $wikiNamespaceBackground[$wikiTalk]?
What should be done with this code?