Meeting Minutes-10 September 2014
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
User Group
EE has been contacted about Domain name. SE will scan corporation paperwork.
Twitter Followers: 256
Facebook Likes: 135
Wiki Loves Monuments
SE is still looking into the discrepancy between the two category lists
RO has been adding images to the monument pages as they come in
SF has been actively promoting the contest at NUIG
Blog post on launch has been posted on site. It contains the images from the launch.
RO still reaching out for venues
SF has a request from the staff associated with a MA in translation about having a training and information session at NUIG. EE and SE volunteered to run the training. SF will put them in touch with her colleagues at NUIG.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 18 September @ 6pm. If you would like to attend the meeting via Skype send an email to