Meeting Minutes-1 June 2017
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Brian McKenzie (BM)
Joseph Quinn (JQ)
User Group
WLM Contractor
We are happy to welcome Pawel Marynowski as our WLM contractor. He
has a strong background in Wikidata and WLM. EE and SE met with him to
discuss the parameters of the position and what we would like to
accomplish. The monument spreadsheets were sent. RO and SE will meet with
him next week to map out a schedule.
Project Coordinator Update (RO)
Humanities event-spoke to someone from Creative Commons Poland about
a way to map WLM data. May be useful for the contest.
Attending a Conference in RIA to talk to contacts about collaboration.
Completed and sent out the June Newsletter.
Started making plans for the new website-what to include, ect.
Started a list of changes/improvements to Vicipéid we can sugeest.
Met another contact at Maynooth University who is using Wikipedia in
the classroom and is given a talk about Wikipedia in the classroom.
24 May-Trinity College Dublin-Terry Pratchet Workshop-RO and Dan Garry
attended. About 13 participants-mostly librarians from the college. Edits
were made on Wikipedia and Wikidata. RO will touch base with the
participants and also teachers interested in incorporating Wikipedia into
their plans for the new academic year.
Upcoming Workshops
August-UCC event.
Possible Future Events
Vicipéid Workshop-Galway-SF waiting to hear back on details.
July/August-DRI training/workshop
National Library workshop/training
September-Wikidata workshop UCC
21 June-DBpedia Annual Meeting-Galway-SF has been asked to give the
keynote address at this event. She has accepted. She will speak about the
User Group.
5-6 July-Edinburgh, Scotland-Celtic Knot Conference-RO to attend.
23-25 August-Open Sym Conference-Galway-attendance is open to the group.
Contact SE if interested.
JQ has a contact with the Somme Association who is interested in
collaboration. He will keep the group up to date.
RO was contacted by a PhD student in UCC using Wikidata. He is looking
for real work events to attend. Led to possible Wikidata event in Cork.
-- Shannon Eichelberger, Chair
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
On Facebook: Wikimedia Ireland <>
Meeting Minutes-16 May 2017
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
User Group
WLM Contractor
Interviews were conducted by EE, SE and RO and a candidate has been
chosen. It is hoped that he will begin work next week.
Project Coordinator Update (RO)
DRI meeting-possible joint training event on how data can be reused.
NLI meeting-created a document with plan for a training event about
open licensing for staff.
Vicipéid meeting-met with a participant from the DCU event to chat
about sources that would be useful for editing Vicipéid and
about technical
Set up a meeting with Foras na Gaeilge to discuss open licensing and
the possibility of funding a Wikipedian in Residence.
Guild of Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers-met to discuss positive imagery
and current crafting imagery on Commons. Discussed attending workshops to
take more pictures for use on Commons.
Met with UCD Professor about continuing to use Wikipedia in the
classroom. Discussed past issues, a new theme for this year, having
students report issues, and submitting articles to ‘Did You Know?’ or ‘On
This Day’ to boost coverage.
Accountant meeting-will be sending information on getting the books
up to date shortly.
Metrics from past events have now been inputted to the Metrics
It has been decided that we will use a Wordpress Site that is
externally hosted to replace the Meta page. EE will set it up and RO will
maintain it.
Upcoming Workshops
24 May-Trinity College Dublin-Terry Pratchet Workshop-RO will create
a page on the Dashboard. The event is open to staff at the college.
August-UCC event.
Possible Future Events
Vicipéid Workshop-Galway-SF has someone who would be willing to learn
how to lead a workshop in Irish. RO offered to train.
21 June-DBpedia Annual Meeting-Galway-SF will look into attending.
5-6 July-Edinburgh, Scotland-Celtic Knot Conference-RO to attend.
23-25 August-Open Sym Conference-Galway-attendance is open to the group.
Contact SE if interested.
RO was contacted about taking part in a program about Wikipedians in
reference to her PhD research.
--Shannon Eichelberger, Chair
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
On Facebook: Wikimedia Ireland <>
*Wikimedia Community Ireland Newsletter - June 2017*
*Terry Pratchett editathon May 24*
We were delighted to once again partner with the Library of Trinity College
Dublin to host an editing workshop
The Library holds a diverse collection of Pratchett works, donated by Colin
Smythe. The Library staff have been cataloguing the volumes, which include
translations of Pratchett's work in over 30 languages. This event,
facilitated by Dan and Rebecca, focused on improving articles relating to
Terry Pratchett novels and other works.
*Wiki Loves Monuments Contractor*
We are excited to announce our recruitment of Paweł Marynowski to work on
our Irish Monuments data on Wikidata. Paweł has a huge amount of experience
working on Wiki Loves Monuments and Wikidata, both in his native Poland and
*9th DBpedia Community Meeting in Galway*
On 21 June the 9th DBpedia Community Meeting will take place in Galway. A
member of our group, Dr Sharon Flynn, will be delivering a key note speech
on the work of Wikimedia Community Ireland. You can find the booking
details here
*Vicipéid and Celtic Knot*
We have been continuing our work on creating more partnerships and
contributors to our Irish language resource, and we are always keen to hear
from the community about this work.
We have yet to solve the mystery of @Ga_Vicipeid
<> if you know who set this up, please do
let us know as it would be great to get it tweeting again.
There will be a number of Irish speakers at the upcoming Celtic Knot
<> conference in
Edinburgh on 6 July. They recently announced a free Introduction to Gaelic
event <>
on 5 July, which will cover both Irish and Scots Gaelic. If you know a
Gaeilgeoir that might be interested, do spread the word!
*Irish Conference of Medievalists*
This conference is taking place in Maynooth on 29 June. Denis Casey of
Maynooth University, will be delivering a paper entitled *Why we Should be
Encouraging our Students to Use Wikipedia. *The event is open to the
public, and you can find details here
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
On Facebook: Wikimedia Ireland <>