I'm forwarding this as people on this mailing list may be interested.
See the message below about a list being compiled by the Dept. of Jobs,
Enterprise and Innovation who are compiling a mailing list of people
interested in copyright matters.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 10 March 2014 13:23
Subject: Fwd: New Dept. of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Copyright
Mailing List
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <copyright(a)djei.ie>
Date: 4 March 2014 10:45
Subject: New Dept. of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Copyright Mailing List
To: copyright(a)djei.ie
The Intellectual Property Unit of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and
Innovation is compiling a copyright mailing list in order to inform
interested parties of copyright issues, stakeholder consultations and other
copyright related events.
As you have previously submitted your views on a copyright issue or
attended a copyright related event, your email address has been included
for this preliminary circulation.
If you would prefer *not* to be included on the mailing list, please reply
to this email to that effect and your details will be removed from the list.
Please also reply to this email If you would like to change your contact
email address, or if other colleagues or interested parties would like to
be added to the list.
Copyright Section
Intellectual Property Unit
Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation