Meeting Minutes-15 July 2014
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Sabina Bonnici (SB)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Oliver Moran (OM)
RO has confirmed the Ada Lovelace Day edit-a-thon hosted at TOG on 11 October 2014. She will contact Wikimedia UK for possible support. The venue requests a €5 donation for the use of the space.
User Group
Sharon confirmed via email that one of her contacts at NUI Galway will translate the User Group page over the next few weeks and should be able to source translators for Wiki Loves Monument materials. She is also exploring working with the translation/interpretation masters program and Irish language students to increase coverage on Wikimedia in Irish. -
EE sent info to Wikimedia UK to point the domain address to our Community Group page on Wikipedia. - is registered to a company in US-the information has been forwarded to Wikimedia foundation
Wiki Loves Monuments
EE has discovered that the Upload Wizard can be customized with an upload campaign. He will write the script and forward it to Alison sonce admin access is required to create a campaign. EE will also create custom links for each monument which will be put into the upload wizard. A list of monuments along with these custom links will be placed on the website. SE will look into GPS compatibility on Maps Marker so the links can also be put on maps on the website. -
SB will contact the International list about updating 2014 campaign -
Launch Event-SE visited St Audeons to determine if the site is suitable. We are moving forward with the site. SE will file the Risk Assesment and Method Statement with OPW. She will also look into the best way to contact the OPW minister to invite him to the launch. -
Awards Event-SE reported that the possibility of booking a venue able to display the images for a week is very low. SE will get in touch with the Photographic Archive about having a pop-up event/ceremony on Nov 8th or 15th. If that is not possible she will contact the Pearse Library to book their conference room for Nov 6th or 13th. SE will also contact the Little Museum of Ireland about having a pop-up exhibition of the photos before the ceremony.
OM will look into organising a photowalk in Cork -
EE suggested looking at for photo groups
Our newest member of the working group, Roy Murray, will be working with SB on creating a marketing strategy. They will create material (ie blog posts, tweets, ect) to push out on Facebook, Twitter, and the website. SB will add Google Analytics to the site.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 22 July @ 7pm in Dublin. If you are in Dublin would like to attend the meeting or would like Skype in send an email to
Minutes taken by SE