Meeting Minutes-18 June 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
EdTech 2015-SHaron Flynn presented a paper on using Wikipedia in the classroom. The talk was standing room only and led to a twitter chat with the WIkimedian in Residence at Bodleian, Oxford.
NUIG-SE will be joining Sharon at the workshop at CELT 15 on 19 June. The meetup page has been created and a list of suggested articles have been added. A member of DBpedia, who has been in contact with Sharon, will be attended as well.
DRHA-It was suggested that we apply to Wikmedia to cover the cost to put on the workshop at this event. It was decided instead to pull out. RO will contact them via email.
SE sent an email to the judges from last year to ask for suggestions for judges for this year.
Another county heritage officer has responded and supplied a list of monuments. RO will reach out to Carlow again for their list.
SE will research Limerick, Galway and Waterford Cities for lists of monuments.
Other Events
SECRET-Science Gallery-RO has reached out to her contacts at Bletchley Park. She will also reach out to the Women’s History Association and to WITS.
Oliver Moran passed on an invitation to attend the Open Government Partnership forum in Dublin in July. We will attempt to find someone to attend on behalf of the group.
Wikimania-RO is exploring the idea of presented at the Learning Day workshop in the run up to Wikimania in Mexico City. She might present a paper on our unsuccessful edit-a-thons.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 23 June at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to