Meeting Minutes-23 Spetember 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
User Group
EE conducted some research into the chapter requirements. Two of the main things that we should have before applying is by-laws/mission statement for the group and at least 10 “active editors”. It was decided that we would move forward with the application. EE will craft the by-laws while SE creates a report on the group’s activities. RO will clean up our Meta page.
Year of Design-Limerick-10 October-SE will create a project page and start promoting on Twitter.
No news
As of the meeting we have 1218 images (17th place) uploaded by 240 uploaders (5th place). -
One of the judges organised a photowalk in and around Trinity on Sunday, 27 October at 1pm. RO will create a Meetup page for it and SE will promote on Twitter. -
It was agreed that the Awards Ceremony could be held at STag’s Head. RO will look into scheduling.
Other Events
Science Gallery-SECRET-We had a solid turnout of approximately 40 people. EE will reach out to Science Gallery to arrange for another talk in conjunction with their TRAUMA exhibition in January.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 29 September at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to