Dear all,
The Applications Committee have reviewed our application for recognition as an official Wikimedia user group (detailed here:, with the feedback that it is ready to go, but that we will need to adjust the name ³Wikimedia Ireland Community User Group² as the combination Wikimedia + Country/Region is going to be reserved for chapters.
Following a meeting of the working group this evening (13th Nov) we would like to propose an adjusted name that is more in keeping with guidelines, but is still reflective of the group and its direction, which is ³Wikimedia Community Ireland User Group². (A small but important switcharound!)
If you have any thoughts or comments on this, please email us at or leave a comment on the talk page above, ideally by Thursday 20th, which is when we would like to inform the Applications Committee of this new name if there are no objections.
Many thanks, Sabina.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sabina Bonnici
Wikimedia Ireland Community
Organisers of Wiki Loves Monuments
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