*Wiki Science*
The photo and image competition, Wiki Science http://wikimedia.ie/programme/wiki-science-2019/, is returning to Ireland this November. If you want to get involved in the organisation, want to sponsor or help promote the event this year do get in touch. You can see last year's winning images here. If you are interested in helping to organise, promote or otherwise get involved in the competition, do get in touch!
*Open Street Mapping Kilkenny*
Our friends in Open Street Map Ireland https://www.openstreetmap.ie/ are hosting a mapping event in Kilkenny on the 30 November. You can find all the details here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kilkenny-mapping-event-tickets-73296564999.
*Wiki Loves Monuments*
This year's Wiki Loves Monuments finished on 30 September, seeing 1222 images uploaded by 76 participants. Our judges are currently working away, selecting the top ten winners. These winners will then go on to the international competition at the end of the month. Good luck to everyone who took part! Don't forget that the map https://maps.wikilovesmonuments.org/ is available all year round, so you can start planning what photos to take for next year's competition!
*Editing events in TOG Hackerspace*
We continue our monthly editing events in TOG Hackerspace on Monday 4 November https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Wikimedia-Community-Ireland-Meetup/events/vfzvcryznbnc/ from 7-9pm. Not only can you learn about Wikipedia, but also Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and all the other sister projects. All you need is a laptop and some ideas of what you'd like to work on - we'll provide the pizza and the WiFi!
To get a reminder about this and other upcoming event sign up on the TOG Meetup page https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/, or follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland or Twitter https://twitter.com/WikimediaIE.
*Getting Involved!*
Is there an event you think Wikimedia Community Ireland should get involved in, or should look at organising? Do you have idea for an event or campaign you’d like to work on with us? Would you like to join us as part of organising committee? Or have any other good ideas, then get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!