Meeting Minutes-16 February 2016
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Joseph Quinn (JQ)
Gabriel Beecham (GB)
Oliver Moran (OM)
User Group
By-laws -
Voting took place on the by-laws. The tally was as follows: -
SE-Yay -
EE-Yay -
RO-Yay -
SF-Yay -
JQ-Yay -
GB-Yay -
The vote was unanimously in favor of passage.
Survey -
RO has account with Qualtrics to run the survey. -
It has been translated into Irish. GB and OM will look over it. -
It is scheduled to go live on Monday 22 February. -
SE and RO will promote it on social media and the mailing list.
The event went very well with about 10 participants. Though we did not get a lot of editing done, we did make some connections in PRONI and Queen’s University Belfast who are interested in running more events. -
Art+Feminism -
This is a virtual event which we will promote to our users.
Museum Next-April -
RO will present a workshop at this event -
Ed-Tech-end of May -
SF would like to present a workshop at this conference building on the talk she gave last year. -
It was suggested that the workshop either cover just the basics or the use of the Education extension, depending on the allotted time.
No News
John Cummings (WMUK and WIkimedian in Residence at UNESCO) is interested in running a joint Wiki Loves Earth contest with Ireland and UK. -
It was agreed that we have no one to spare at the moment to run it, but we could assist the UK if they wanted to run it. -
RO will stay in touch with WMUK
Other Events
Science Gallery -
EE has confirmed the date of 11 May from 6:30-8 for our next event. -
The theme is Future Farms and we are looking for speakers. - -
NUIGalway -
SF confirmed the photowalk will take place at the end of March and they will be uploaded to Commons.
--Shannon Eichelberger, Chair ---------------------- Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland On Twitter: @WikimediaIE