Hello Wikimedia Ireland Subscribers,
We will be posting the minutes from our weekly meeting to the mailing list to keep you all up to date on the progress of our projects.
Meeting Notes-1 July 2014
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Sabina Bonnici (SB)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Oliver Moran (OM)
Contacting Collins Barracks in Cork about organising a WWI edit-a-thon -
Signing up for Train the Trainer training in UK in August -
Agreed to be a point of contact for Sharon Flynn who is based at NUI Galway
Chasing up leads for edit-a-thons around WWI in Dublin. -
Contacting Killester Legion Hall about creating a Wikipedia page for them -
Met with 2 staff members of NLI-not on board for an “official” relationship by some individual staff members might be interested in working with us. Suggested at Harry Clarke edit-a-thon -
Meeting with Women’s Museum of Ireland soon -
Still looking into Ada Lovelace/Women in Science and Tech edit-a-thon in October and Science Gallery Blood edit-a-thon -
Working on creating a calendar to firm up dates for edit-a-thons
User Group
Wikimedia UK will not transfer the domain name wikimedia.ie to an individual, only to a commercial entity-EE will follow up with them -
Would like a BOT to email all Irish Wikimedians. OM will write the script and handle the notifications -
Follow up with Allison about translator list. Sharon Flynn will also try to recruit some from NUI Galway -
No acknowledgment of the User Group has been made by Wikimedia
It was agreed by all present that the minutes of the meetings will be emailed to the organising group, emailed through the mailing list, and put on the website -
It was also agreed that the a Public Trello board will be created to anyone can see what we are working on. SE will create and maintain the new board
Schedule for Wikimania 2014 in London is still in progress -
The group will have access to a table at some point during the weekend. RO will be point of contact -
Wikimedia UK has offered to print up flyers for us for Wikimania. For now we are leaving design ideas up to the UK group -
SB, RO, and OM are planning on attending Wikimania
Wiki Loves Monuments
The list is up on Wikipedia though the location data is not very accurate. This week EE, SE, SB, and RO will work on adding/correcting location data on the Wikipedia pages. -
We have a complete list of 148,000 national monuments in Ireland. Open Knowledge Ireland or Open Data Ireland might be will to help us with hack-a-thons to sort and organise the data -
SB will add a column to the Wikipedia list indicating which monuments are eligible in the contest -
SE will contact Elizabeth Kirwan at Photography Archive about a photography juror -
The date for the launch is during Heritage Week August 25-31. SE is speaking to OPW about using St Audeons Church in Dublin for the launch -
The date for the Awards Ceremony is set for 6-10 November. SE received permission from Photography Archive to hold a pop-up event but only for one day. She is contacting Temple Bar Gallery and Studio to rent a space -
SB will be speaking to Fiona from the Heritage Council tomorrow about them promoting us during Heritage Week -
The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has given us permission to use their logo on our site. SB will ask Heritage Council for permission to use their logo -
Marketing/PR plan to be produced over next few weeks -
SB will craft a grant proposal for the Department of Arts, Heritage, and the GAeltacht to cover PR, Marketing and photographers for the events -
We still do not know if an international contest will take place. The mailing list seems to indicate that they are struggling to find volunteers. SB will offer our assistance to the international group
SB noticed there is a website on wikipedia.ie. She will bring it to the attention of Wikimedia and let them handle it
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 8 July @ 7pm in Dublin. If you are in Dublin would like to attend the meeting or would like Skype in send an email to wikimediaireland@gmail.com
Minutes taken by SE