Meeting Minutes-22 July 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Joseph Quinn (JQ)
User Group
Domain-SE realized the website wasn’t there anymore and thought the registration had expired. EE sent an emergency email to Wikimedia UK but no response. RO spoke to someone from the UK at Wikimaina. They are looking into it.
Titles-it was decided that the members of the working group should have titles. Everyone will suggest a title for themselves and titles for everyone else.
No news.
Wikimania-RO is still recovering from jet lag. She will have a fuller report for the next meeting. Here are some of the highlights:
It was recommended that a survey be sent out to the mailing list to guage our user base and what they would like to see us do.
RO will contact Irish Year of Design to pitch a photo workshop on addressing the gender gap.
Ways to grow our “brand” include titles for the working group members and defining our projects.
“Wiki Cheese”-a crowd-funded activity in France to increase the coverage of cheese on Wikipedia. What is the Irish equivalent?
Should we charge membership fees? Both Wikimedia UK and Chile charge a small fee.
Wiki Library project-something we would like to look into.
EE is doing a lightning talk at the Python meeting on 12 August on Wiki Loves monuments.
EE is going to being running the Open Data monthly meetings with us as a sponsor.
SE met with the organisers of Archeofest. We have confirmed that we will launch the contest there. As part of the Wiki grant we will request funds to cover the launch. We will also request PR funds from the Dept AHG just like last year.
The international WLM team responded to our question about the Wildcard entry. They requested that we either adapt the current template or create a new one.
Other Events
We have organised a meetup at Stag’s Head on 29 July at 6:30 to meet some of our members and chat over pints.
Open Government meeting-EE attended on behalf of the group. He made a few contact with the Dept of Expense and Reform which might be useful later. The government policy on Open Data seems positive but they are looking for help from civic groups.
Several members of the Cascadia User Group joined our meeting to chat about ways to grow their group. We had a very positive talk and gave them some ideas to use.
The next meeting will take place on 28 July at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to