*Wiki Loves Monuments 2020*
It's that time of year again - time to show your local built environment some extra love by photographing them and uploading them to one of the world's largest photo competitions, Wiki Loves Monuments http://wikimedia.ie/programme/wiki-loves-monuments-2017/! If you are taking a staycation, why not use our interactive map https://maps.wikilovesmonuments.org/ to find all those very special buildings off the beaten track?
*Upload from 1 to 30 September to win prizes!*
*Universal Code of Conduct*
The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking opinions from Wikimedians all around the world on the new Universal Code of Conduct that is currently being developed. The aim of the Code is to create a safe environment across Wikimedia projects and platforms. If you are interested in taking part, follow this link to the survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd36dNdU3C5shXEkKp9itJOhuCTx9hZE5AE-xflkxtfRMnZtg/viewform?usp=pp_url&fbclid=IwAR2CHMYCTp4Z5OGCsjujjZ-qsLFQyixKhvaxG1Ktw0pk_2Tfxe_Qg_HwLdA .
*Wiki Loves Earth*
Ireland's first edition of Wiki Loves Earth http://wikimedia.ie/programme/wiki-loves-earth-2020/ closed on 31 July seeing over 300 images uploaded. Our judges are currently working away selecting the top 10 winning Irish images to win prizes, and be sent forward to the international competition!
*Virtual events*
With current guidelines from the Irish government, we will not be hosting any in-person workshops for the foreseeable future. If you, your group or organistion want to run a virtual Wikimedia workshop, we can provide a Zoom space in which we can hold an editing or other workshop for you and your colleagues. Do get in touch at wikimediaireland[at]gmail.com
*Celtic Knot 2020*
If you missed out on attending this year's virtual Celtic Knot conference, you can catch up on all the live and pre-recorded talks through the conference page https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Knot_Conference_2020.