Meeting Minutes-14 April 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Emma Clarke (EC)
We welcomed a new member to our group, Emma Clarke.
User Group
EE has confirmed that Wikimedia UK will transfer domain to WMF and they will be able to provide access to email addresses for use by the group.
SE and RO are travelling to NUIG on Thursday to run a women is Irish history edit-a-thon. SF will also attend.
Cochrane Conference-25 April-EE and SE are running a workshop at this conference.
IMA Conference-June-RO will write a proposal for us to present at this conference.
DRHA Conference-August-RO will write a proposal for us to run a workshop at this event.
SE has heard back from a few Heritage Officers to add monuments to the list for 2015. Carlow, Westmeath, and Wexford do not have Heritage Officers. RO will investigate how we can contact those counties.
RO raised the idea of a possible “Wild Card” category for the 2015 contest.
SE will contact the DAHG to set up a meeting to discuss the list and our future partnership.
Other Events
Wiki Loves Earth-RO attended WikiGLAM in the Hague this past weekend. There is a lot of support for Ireland to hold a Wiki Loves Earth contest. The Ukraine chapter even offered volunteer support. RO conducted some research on the contest-it is similar to WLM in that there is a curated list of natural sites, but most countries also have a wild card category for any natural image. RO found several websites with lists of natural sites in Ireland for us to use. The group will continue to look at it for possible inclusion in out 2016 program.
An application was made for a grant through the Arts Council to run a WLM type event focused on the people and places of the Easter Rising.
We will not be meeting next week. The next meeting will take place on 30 April 2015 at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to