Meeting Minutes-
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Joseph Quinn (JQ)
User Group
No ne domain news.
JQ is moving forward with the event at PRONI in early 1916. He will reach out to universities close to PRONI. SE to send an email to Wikimedia UK about the event.
NUIG-SE and SF ran the training at the CELT 15 event at NUIG. We had 12 participants, with most of them new users. We had several participants editing Vicipéd as well.
DHRA-RO sent an email pulling out of the event due to the excessive participation fees.
One of the judges from last year nominated a member of the Dept of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht as a judge.
In response to the minutes from last week SE was contacted by a WIkipedian in Waterford about the monuments there. He will help created a Waterford City list by contacted the director of the museum in the city.
SE will put out a call on Twitter about monuments in Galway and Limerick cities.
SE will begin to work on the grant for WLM 2015.
EE will begin research on a way to have a people’s choice category. We would like to add a wild card category as well. SE will contact the international team about what information would be required.
Science Gallery
RO hasn’t heard back from Bletchley Park. She will send another email.
EE is creating his list.
SE will contact a couple of professors at UCD and TCD about intelligence.
Open Government Project (OGP)-EE will attend the OGP conference on 14 July on behalf of the group. We are hoping a formal document will come out of the meeting.
Freedom of Panorama-The EU Parliament is debating the changing the Freedom of Panorama regulations, which would greatly affect Wikipedia. SE will forward the information to Oliver to look for guidance.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 30 June at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to
---------------------- Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland On Twitter: @WikimediaIE