*Wikimedia Community Ireland Newsletter – April 2018*
*The first Irish OpenDatathon*
The Department of Public Expenditure & Reform's Open Data Unit are sponsoring Ireland's first OpenDatathon using the 6000 open datasets that can be found at their web portal http://data.gov.ie. The deadline for submission is 4 May, with the winners being announced on 25 May at Waterford Institute of Technology. All the details can be found here http://www.irishopendatathon.com.
*Open Learning, Infectious Creativity, & the Future of Connected Collaboration*
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway is hosting a day of seminars on 1 May. The day includes a workshop on reusing photographs, *Finding, taking, and using photographs*, which looks at platforms such as Wikimedia Commons. You can find all the details here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-learning-infectious-creativity-the-future-of-connected-collaboration-with-alan-levine-mia-tickets-44548013307 .
*Editing events in TOG Hackerspace*
We will be continuing our monthly editing events in TOG Hackerspace on Wednesday 25 April https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/events/ltrdkpyxgbhc/ from 7-9pm. Whether you are new to Wikipedia or an old hand at editing, come along for a chat with fellow Wikimedians! All you need is a laptop, WiFi and pizza will be provided!
To get a reminder about this and other upcoming event sign up on the TOG Meetup page https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/, or follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland or Twitter https://twitter.com/WikimediaIE.
*Collaboration with The Hunt Museum*
We are currently working on a very exciting set of events with The Hunt Museum http://www.huntmuseum.com/ in Limerick in mid-May - we will post updates here and on all of our other platforms.