Meeting Minutes-30 July 2014
Attendees: Eugene Eichelberger (EE) Sabina Bonnici (SB) Rebecca O¹Neill (RO)
* RO & SB will be attending Wikimania next week.
* At Wikimania, SB has arranged a meeting with Applications Committee Chair to discuss Wikimedia Ireland. * * SB to re-sign Limited Partner form.
* RO is following up on editathons for WWI, and considering dates at the end Oct/Nov for Women in Science
* Prize categories were discussed, and in order to manage the competition effectively, the unlisted monuments prize award will not be offered, and the amount will be distributed amongst the other awards. * * Juror search continues. SB to follow up with professional photographers. * * Judging and verification process was discussed and will be shared with judges by SB. * * Website content has been updated by SB and the Taking Part & FAQ to be reviewed by EE & RO. * * SB trying to find someone to take on PR role. Planned call with PR intern on Friday morning. * * The website images to be updated to reflect monuments by RO/EE * * With regards to promoting photowalks, SB has contacted camera club associations, but in order to spread the word as far and wide as possible, it would be ideal for individual clubs to be contacted. As this is a lengthy process, the work will be split between SB & RO. * * We need some help putting together statistic tools for the competition. SB to contact our friends in Wikimedia UK to see if they can make any recommendations for this purpose.
* Launch night event is being confirmed by SE with St Audeons for 26th, paperwork underway. * * Awards event to be confirmed by SE.
AOB * As potential fundraising ideas for the organisation, EE suggested that the winning prints be printed and sold as a set. SB suggested a calendar might be an option as well. Both ideas to be costed up.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 4th August @ 10am over Skype. If you would like to attend the meeting via Skype send an email to .