Nollaig shona daoibh go léir agus athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh - Happy Christmas to you all and happy new year!
*Wiki Loves Earth 2022*
Congratulations to the Irish winners of Wiki Loves Earth 2022, see the top ten alongside all the other national and international winners .
*Wiki Loves Monuments 2022*
We were delighted to announce our winners this week! You can see the top ten winning photos, and the winners of our special local prizes Congratulations to everyone, and a huge thanks to our panel of judges.
*2022 Annual Report*
You can read our annual report for 2022 with a brief overview of this eventful year!
*Monthly meetings*
Want to get more involved with our group? We meet once a month on Zoom when we discuss and plan our events and campaigns. Our next meeting is on 10 January at 7pm, just email wikimediaireland[at] to receive your invite.
*Want to hold a Wikimedia event?*
If you, your group, or organisation want to run a virtual, in-person, or hybrid Wikimedia workshop, we can provide a facilitator and Zoom space in which we can hold an editing or other workshop for you and your colleagues. Get in touch at wikimediaireland[at]
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, or Facebook to stay up to date!