*Wiki Loves Monuments*
Wiki Loves Monuments http://wikimedia.ie/programme/wiki-loves-monuments-2017/ photography competition will return to Ireland again for its sixth year on 25 August, and runs until the 30 September. You can find the map here https://maps.wikilovesmonuments.org/ireland, showing all the eligible sites and buildings. Is there a site that you've noticed is missing from the map? Get in touch, as we are always looking to make the list of eligible sites are wide and inclusive as possible! Want some leaflets for your community of audience? Let us know and we can send some out to you.
*Heritage Week at the National Gallery of Ireland*
We are delighted to once again partner with the NGI to host a Wikipedia editing event for Heritage Week 2019. This event will focus on crafts and crafters in Ireland, with a particular focus on craftswomen. Join us in the Gallery from 2-4pm on Saturday 24 August, booking details here https://www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on/heritage-week-wikipedia-edit-thon.
*Celtic Knot*
The Celtic Knot conference https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Knot_Conference_2019 took place in Cornwall from 4-5 July. You can see videos of all the talks given, including one on the continuing growth of Vicipéid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY3PWTAaVzo on the Wikimedia UK Youtube feed. The Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference aims to bring people together to share their experiences of working on sharing information in minority languages.
*Editing events in TOG Hackerspace*
We continue our monthly editing events in TOG Hackerspace on Wednesday 28 August https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/events/nnrbspyzlblc/ from 7-9pm. Whether you are new to Wikipedia or an old hand at editing, come along for a chat with fellow Wikimedians. All you need is a laptop – WiFi and pizza will be provided!
To get a reminder about this and other upcoming event sign up on the TOG Meetup page https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/, or follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland or Twitter https://twitter.com/WikimediaIE.
*Getting Involved!*
Is there an event you think Wikimedia Community Ireland should get involved in, or should look at organising? Do you have idea for an event or campaign you’d like to work on with us? Would you like to join us as part of organising committee? Or have any other good ideas, then get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!