Meeting Minutes-10 February 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Clem McGann (CM)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
User Group
There has been no news on the domain name being turned over us. EE will send out another email to check in.
SE and RO signed the User Group Agreement. A copy can be found in the shared folders.
Engineering 8 February-We had a poor turnout, regardless some articles were worked on. RO created a new article for Alice Perry and expanded another. She will nominate both articles for the “Did you know?” section on the front page of Wikipedia.
WWI/Collins Barracks 14 February-it is being promoted by several historical groups. Flyers were put up at Trinity and it was sent out on the mailing list. SE will also send out a notification on the Irish Wikipedians mailing list.
NUIG/Writing Centre March-SE will conduct the initial training and possibly the edit-a-thon.
Cochrane Symposium 24-25 April-SE talked with two members of the Cochrane team. It was agreed that a training session would be run as part of the conference. The Cochrane group will create a list of article to work on in WikiProject Medicine They have also offered us exhibition space. Only SE and EE will be available for the event. They will discuss their plan for the symposium and report back to the group.
DBpedia-RO reported on her attendance to the DBPedia meetup on 9 February. It was a very international group. During the DBpedia as Gaelige meetup RO promoted out group and offered our assistance. Two attendees that are based at NUIG were interested in getting involved. RO put them in touch with SF.
CESI/Education 28 February-it will continue to be promoted on twitter. EE and SF made changes to the Education Outreach page for Ireland. SF will add the Education outreach events to this page.
Meetup Page-EE suggested that we use the Ireland Meetup Page on Wikipedia to promote our events to a wider audience. It was also proposed that we post the details for one meeting per month as a recruitment tool. This was agreed.
Recruitment-It was agreed that we need to recruit more members. It was proposed that we start giving talks at other groups that might be interested in what we are doing (eg. Open Data, Open Knowledge, Girl Geek Dinners, Python, ect.). A spreadsheet has been created in the shared folders for information on groups we can reach out to. EE will look at technical groups while RO will look at womens groups. It was also suggested that we might hold more “social gatherings” rather than workshops/trainings.
The next meeting will take place on 18 February at 7pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to