Meeting Minutes-27 May 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
User Group
No news on the domain transfer.
WITS-Women in STEM-4 June 4-8pm Science Gallery. It will be a drop-in event with very little formal training. RO will put the event on Meetup. SE will bring the extra laptops and source material.
Sharon will be presenting at the EdTech Conference in Limerick tomorrow.
RO has been given a scholarship to the Wikimania conference in Mexico City in July. Once the schedule is posted she will bring it to the group for consultation.
SE sent email/notifications to photo clubs in Ireland about the contest. One group has already responded, promoting the contest on its blog and Facebook page.
SE will update the contest website this week.
RO received an inquiry about running a joint Wiki Loves Earth contest with the UK in 2016. There is a volunteer in the UK keen to run the contest. The volunteer will be put into touch with RO.
Citizen Science Events-Science Gallery-EE has created a speakers list for these events.
Deadline for lining up speakers for Secret event in 19 June.
Tentative dates for event include: 15, 16, 22, or 23 of September. RO will give these dates to the Science Gallery for confirmation.
RO will reach out about Bletchley Park speakers.
Due to the edit-a-thon on 4 June there will be no meeting next week.
The next meeting will take place on 9 June at 6:30 in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to
---------------------- Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland On Twitter: @WikimediaIE