Meeting Minutes-2 April 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Clem McGann (CM)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
User Group
EE ordered 4 Chromebooks as per our outreach grant. They should arrive sometime next week. They are available for anyone to use for Wiki related events-edit-a-thon, conferences, ect. We will keep track of the computers here
Domain Name:Wikimedia UK heard back from the foundation. They would like domain transferred to them and they will continue to maintain it for us. EE will contact them requesting the transfer and ask about the availability of wikimedia related email addresses.
Still no word from WITS or IADT about events with them.
Part 2 of the NUIG edit-a-thon has been confirmed for 16 April. SE, SF and Rebecca will be attending.
Rebecca’s abstract for the DRI conference was not accepted.
SF submitted an abstract for the EdTech Conference in May.
NUIG Conference on 19 June-we have been confirmed to present a 2 hour training session. We will discuss as theme over the next few weeks.
The map points have all been updated. SE went through the Architecture website’s “Places to See” section and identified 90 new points.
SE will send out emails to local heritage officers.
SE and EE are working on a grant for the Arts Council to create a contest around sites associated with 1916.
Joseph went to PRONI, but his contact was not there. He will send an email this week.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 8 April at 7pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to