*Wiki Science*
Congratulations to the winners of Wiki Science Ireland 2020! You can see
the winning and runner up images here
These images will go forward to the international competition - good luck
to everyone in that competition!
*Celtic Knot 2020*
A date for your diaries - Celtic Knot is coming to *Limerick on 9 and 10
July* *in the Hunt Museum* this year - the first time the conference will
be held outside of Great Britain! The conference aims to bring people
together to share their experiences of working on sharing information in
minority languages. We hope to help people learn how to encourage the flow
of information across language barriers and support associated communities.
As in previous years we will have a strong focus on Wikidata and its
potential to support languages.
At the moment we want to know what themes you want to see covered - what
can we learn from fellow Irish speakers and international Wikimedians. Get
in touch as these themes will inform the call for papers which will open by
the end of February.
If you want to work with us on Celtic Knot, have suggestions, or comments -
get in touch!
*Wiki Loves Folklore*
There is an international media competition, Wiki Loves Folklore, running
internationally until the end of February. The competition encourages
people to upload images representing folklore and traditions in your region
or country. Representations of Ireland in many of the relevant categories
is quite poor, so if you have photos, videos, or recordings of your own
that are new to Wikimedia Commons then upload them to be in with the chance
of winning prizes! Find out more here
*Editing events in TOG Hackerspace*
We continue our monthly editing events in TOG Hackerspace on Wednesday 26
from 7-9pm. Not only can you learn about Wikipedia, but also Wikimedia
Commons, Wikidata and all the other sister projects. All you need is a
laptop and some ideas of what you'd like to work on - we'll provide the
pizza and the WiFi!
To get a reminder about this and other upcoming event sign up on the TOG
Meetup page <https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/>, or follow us
on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland> or Twitter
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland <http://wikimedia.ie>
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <https://twitter.com/WikimediaIE>
On Facebook: Wikimedia Ireland <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland>
On Instagram: wikimediaie <https://www.instagram.com/wikimediaie/>
On Meetup: Wikimedia Community Ireland Meetup