Have a great Christmas and holiday season, and a wonderful new year!
*We need your help!*
We are always interested in hearing from you about what events or
activities you want to see the Wikimedia community involved in here in
*We have started writing our grant application for the coming year of March
2020 to March 2021.* Is there something we have been overlooking? Is there
activity in Ireland that we should be trying to support? Are there better,
more innovative ways that we could support Wikimedians (or potential
Please do get in touch if you want to get involved, we really want to hear
from you.
*Editing events in TOG Hackerspace*
We continue our monthly editing events in TOG Hackerspace on Wednesday 29
from 7-9pm. Not only can you learn about Wikipedia, but also Wikimedia
Commons, Wikidata and all the other sister projects. All you need is a
laptop and some ideas of what you'd like to work on - we'll provide the
pizza and the WiFi!
To get a reminder about this and other upcoming event sign up on the TOG
Meetup page <https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/>, or follow us
on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland> or Twitter
*Wiki Science*
Thank you and good luck to everyone who took part in this year's Wiki
Science <http://wikimedia.ie/programme/wiki-science-2019/>. Our panel of
judges will be working hard on selecting the 7 winners, to be announced in
January - watch this space!
*See you all in 2020!*
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland <http://wikimedia.ie>
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <https://twitter.com/WikimediaIE>
On Facebook: Wikimedia Ireland <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland>
On Instagram: wikimediaie <https://www.instagram.com/wikimediaie/>
On Meetup: Wikimedia Community Ireland Meetup