*Wiki Science*
The photo and image competition, Wiki Science
<http://wikimedia.ie/programme/wiki-science-2019/>, is now open for
uploads! This year there are 6 categories: *People in science, Microscopy
images*, *Non-photographic media*, *Image sets, Wildlife and nature*,
and a *General
category*. In Ireland we also award a 7th prize for an image depicting *Women
in STEM*. The competition is open until 15 December, and as Science Week is
in full swing - why not take some photos and be in with a chance of winning
prizes? Here you can see the winning images from 2018
and 2017
Upload here!
*Wiki Loves Monuments*
Huge congratulations to the 2019 winners of Wiki Loves Monuments in
Ireland. You can see the top ten Irish images here
along with the other winning images from all participating countries. Good
luck to all in the international round!
*Meetups in Cork*
We have begun to hold events in Cork for Wikimedians or those interested in
learning more about Wikipedia and its sister projects. The next event is on
13 November in Rochestown Park Hotel from 7:30. Find all the details of
this event, or see other upcoming events on Meetup
*Chemistry Wikithon*
We are partnering with TCD School of Chemistry to celebrate Science Week
and the International Year of the Periodic Table to host a Wikipedia
editing event on Monday 18 November from 6-9pm. We will be focusing on
articles relating to chemistry. You can find all the details here
*Archives and Records Association*
We were delighted to be invited to take part in the upcoming event by the
ARA, *Championing Diversity and Inclusion in Irish Archives and Records*,
on Thursday 21 November in Irish Architectural Archives, 45 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2. All the details here
*Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland*
We are also taking part in a day of CPD training with the IAI, *Successfully
communicating cultural heritage content using social media and other online
sources*, on Friday 22 November in the Royal Society of Antiquaries of
Ireland, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Find all the details here
*Open Street Mapping Kilkenny*
A reminder that our friends in Open Street Map Ireland
<https://www.openstreetmap.ie/> are hosting a mapping event in Kilkenny on
the 30 November. You can find all the details here
*Editing events in TOG Hackerspace*
We continue our monthly editing events in TOG Hackerspace on Monday 2
from 7-9pm. Not only can you learn about Wikipedia, but also Wikimedia
Commons, Wikidata and all the other sister projects. All you need is a
laptop and some ideas of what you'd like to work on - we'll provide the
pizza and the WiFi!
To get a reminder about this and other upcoming event sign up on the TOG
Meetup page <https://www.meetup.com/Tog-Dublin-Hackerspace/>, or follow us
on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland> or Twitter
*Getting Involved!*
Is there an event you think Wikimedia Community Ireland should get involved
in, or should look at organising? Do you have idea for an event or campaign
you’d like to work on with us? Would you like to join us as part of
organising committee? Or have any other good ideas, then get in touch, we’d
love to hear from you!
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Chair - Shannon Eichelberger
Project Coordinator - Rebecca O'Neill
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland <http://wikimedia.ie>
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <https://twitter.com/WikimediaIE>
On Facebook: Wikimedia Ireland <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIreland>
On Instagram: wikimediaie <https://www.instagram.com/wikimediaie/>
On Meetup: Wikimedia Community Ireland Meetup