Meeting Minutes-20 April 2017
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Dan Garry (DG)
We welcomed a new member to the group, Dan Garry
User Group
Project Coordinator position: After reviewing the applicants it was
decided that the group would hire Rebecca O’Neill for the position. She
will report bi-weekly at the meetings and to the Volunteer Chair (Shannon
Eichelberger) on the off weeks. RO outlined her plans over the next few
months. In short:
Reaching out to other ‘Open Knowledge’ groups as well as heritage
institutions to create new partnerships. She has a meeting with a
representative at the National Library next week.
Investigating an updated website. The choices are a wordpress site or
an expanded meta page. It is envisions that we would start a
blog about our
activities and use it to better promote our activities.
Recruiting an accountant to bring the group into tax compliance and
to facilitate paying of employees and contractors.
Starting a monthly newsletter in addition to posting the meeting
Sorting out our memberships at TOG, which will give us a place to
host meetups and also give us contacts into the maker community.
WLM contractor position: We have several promising candidates. EE will
begin the task of organising interviews, assisted by SE and RO.
Upcoming Workshops
Possible future events
WLM editing workshop
Library Association workshop
Trinity faculty who are looking to work with Wikipedia in the
RO is following up with the Vicipéid group-looking to make them
independent by training them to run their own workshops. SE spoke to a
participant of the original workshop who is based in Galway. He is very
interested in organising an event towards the end of the year. SF is
meeting with him next week.
Wikimedia Conference update-SE and RO attended this conference at the
end of March. The main take away is that User Groups are going to be the
way forward for the Foundation in the short term. There are currently 71
User Groups. These groups do not have a strong voice and there are not many
supports in place for them. We are proposing to conduct a survey of the
User Groups to get a better idea of their compositions and what they need
from WMF, from other chapters, and from each other. We hope to present our
findings at WMCON next year.
Upcoming Conferences
July 5-6-Celtic Knot-Edinburgh-RO to attend
August 23-25 International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym
2017)-Galway-RO will look into possibly presenting a poster. We will also
look to have a presence there.
Planning for 2018 is underway. RO is looking into a venue to hold an
exhibition of past winners.
-- Shannon Eichelberger, Chair
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
Please accept our apologies for cross-posting this message.
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Board Elections Committee, I am pleased to announce that self-nominations are now being accepted for the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Elections.[1]
The Board of Trustees (Board) is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Wikimedia Foundation,[2] so we value wide input into its selection. More information about this role can be found at <…>. Please read the letter from the Board of Trustees calling for candidates here: <…>.
The candidacy submission phase will last from April 7 (00:00 UTC) to April 20 (23:59 UTC) and occurring on Meta-Wiki at <…>
We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates from April 7 to April 20. You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki at <…>
Once the questions submission period has ended on April 20, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to beginning on April 21.
The goal of this process is to fill the three community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. The election results will be used by the Board itself to select its new members.
The full schedule for the Board elections is as follows. All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last.
* April 7 (00:00 UTC) - April 20 (23:59 UTC): Board nominations
* April 7 - April 20: Board candidates questions submission period
* April 21 - April 30: Board candidates answer questions
* May 1 - May 14: Board voting period
* May 15-19: Board vote checking
* May 20: Board result announcement goal
In addition to the Board elections, we will also soon be holding elections for the following roles:
* Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
** There are five positions being filled. More information about this election can be found at <…>.
* Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson (Ombuds)
** One position is being filled. More information about this election can be found at <…>.
Please note that this year the Board of Trustees elections will be held before the FDC and Ombuds elections. Candidates who are not elected to the Board are explicitly permitted and encouraged to submit themselves as candidates to the FDC or Ombuds positions after the results of the Board elections are announced.
More information on this year's elections can be found at <>.
Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, <board-elections AT>.
On behalf of the Election Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Board Election Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation
PS. An on-wiki version of this message is available for translation at:…
Joe Sutherland
Community Advocate
Wikimedia Foundation