Meeting Minutes-27 May 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
User Group
No news on the domain transfer.
WITS-Women in STEM-4 June 4-8pm Science Gallery. It will be a drop-in event
with very little formal training. RO will put the event on Meetup. SE will
bring the extra laptops and source material.
Sharon will be presenting at the EdTech Conference in Limerick tomorrow.
RO has been given a scholarship to the Wikimania conference in Mexico City
in July. Once the schedule is posted she will bring it to the group for
SE sent email/notifications to photo clubs in Ireland about the contest.
One group has already responded, promoting the contest on its blog and
Facebook page.
SE will update the contest website this week.
RO received an inquiry about running a joint Wiki Loves Earth contest with
the UK in 2016. There is a volunteer in the UK keen to run the contest. The
volunteer will be put into touch with RO.
Citizen Science Events-Science Gallery-EE has created a speakers list for
these events.
Deadline for lining up speakers for Secret event in 19 June.
Tentative dates for event include: 15, 16, 22, or 23 of September. RO will
give these dates to the Science Gallery for confirmation.
RO will reach out about Bletchley Park speakers.
Due to the edit-a-thon on 4 June there will be no meeting next week.
The next meeting will take place on 9 June at 6:30 in Dublin. If you would
like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an
email to wikimediaireland(a)
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
Meeting Minutes-19 May 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Emma Clarke (EC)
User Group
No news on the domain name transfer, though there is still discussion going
WITS-Women in STEM-4 June
The event page has been created.
WITS and Science Gallery will be sharing it in their newsletters.
SF recieved an email about organising edit-a-thons using Vicipéid in
Gaelscoil in the area. She will have a meeting next week.
No new news.
Meath Heritage website sent email asking about API and copyright. EE will
RO will talk to her contact about reaching out to local photography clubs.
SE will craft an email to nationwide photo clubs about conducting
presentations about the contest.
The group will discuss running an event about the contest at Science
EE and RO met with the assistant event organiser at Science Gallery
proposing a series of Citizen Science event co sponsored by the group. The
agreement is as follows:
We agreed to run at least 4 event per year coinciding with the Science
Gallery exhibitions. For 2015 that will include 2 exhibitions: Secret
August-November and Trauma November-February 2016.
They have given us blanket permission to use the theatre for other events
with prior notice.
We will aim to have 2-3 speakers for each event, preferably in person but
with the option for someone to Skype in. For the Secret exhibition we will
focus on Women in Cryptology, the women of Bletchley Park, and possibly a
cryptology workshop. We will confirm participants within the next few
weeks. For Trauma we will focus on the trauma surrounding the 1916 Easter
The next meeting will take place on 27 May 2015 at 6:30 pm in Dublin. If
you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please
send an email to wikimediaireland(a)
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
Meeting Minutes-12 May 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Clem McGann (CM)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
User Group
No news on the domain name.
RO has confirmed the Women in STEM edit-a-thon at the Science Gallery on 4
June. It will be co-hosted by WITS.
Joseph is still attempting to get in touch with his contact at PRONI.
DRHA conference has been moved to early September. We are still waiting to
hear if we will run a workshop.
EE and SE met with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. The
run down of the meeting is as follows:
They have confirmed their support for this year’s contest.
They would like us to launch at Archeofest in Merrion Square during
heritage week. They are willing to give us a grant for PR costs.
They are also interested in Wiki Loves Earth and would like to meet with us
after the contest is completed to discuss uses for the data.
RO was contact via Facebook by the administrator of
asking about attribution for WLM images. She will have them contact us via
email and EE will respond.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 19 May at 6:30 in Dublin. If
you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please
send an email to wikimediaireland(a)
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
Meeting Minutes-
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Emma Clarke (EC)
User Group
The passwords on the Twitter account and email have been changed.
RO is still chasing the Science Gallery to set up a meeting.
IMA-Proposal was rejected.
NUIG-Workshop has been confirmed. It will last 1:45. The theme of the
conference is Virtual Learning.
SE received a confirmation letter in respect to the grant to the Arts
Council. A decision should be made by 1 June.
SE has been adding monuments to the list from
leaving out the monuments that are obviously on private land. We might
think about adding a notice to the website indicating that while we assume
that the monuments are all publically accessible it is up to the
participant to confirm that when visiting.
A meeting has been arranged between the DAHG and SE and EE to discuss the
upcoming competition.
SE has created a schedule/checklist for the competition. It can be found
The recruitment of judges was discussed. It was suggested that we contact
the previous judges, the DAHG, and photo clubs to ask for recommendations.
RO indicated that she would be keen to organise photowalks in Carlow and
LImerick. SE could run one in Dublin.
Other Events
RO is participating in #100wikidays where she is challenge herself to write
100 Wikipedia articles in 100 days. You can read about her journey on her
blog <>. SE will tweet the articles as they
are written. Once RO gets about halfway through we might take suggestion
via twitter.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 12 May at 6:30pm in Dublin. If
you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please
send an email to wikimediaireland(a)
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>
Meeting Minutes-30 April 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Emma Clarke (EC)
User Group
The passwords for twitter and gmail will be changed and the new passwords
forwarded to those who need it.
EE will contact Wikimedia UK about the domain emails-to keep it moving
Oliver sent an email on behalf of the group to his local TD to ask for his
support in making all government materials with an open copyright.
RO is setting up a meeting with the Science Gallery over the next week.
SE and EE presented a workshop at the Cochrane Symposium in Dublin. We had
nine participants, all new users. The only problem we had was only 6 people
could register on the day because the IP was blocked. SE will look into
getting account permissions for herself and EE.
IMA-RO sent a proposal and is waiting to hear back.
DRHA-RO will be sending a proposal tomorrow.
Ed-Tech-The proposal sent by SF was accepted and she will be presenting a
NUI Galway-SF will confirm next week if we are presenting a workshop or
The Heritage Grant was rejected. Still waiting to hear on Arts Council
SE has added 234 monuments to the list which now totals 735. Will search
for more on Megalithic Ireland, Wikipedia, and OPW.
SE will create a To Do list to present at the next meeting.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 5 May at 6:30 in Dublin. If you
would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send
an email to wikimediaireland(a)
Wikimedia Community Ireland
Online: Wikimedia Community Ireland
On Twitter: @WikimediaIE <>