Meeting Minutes-8 January 2015
Shannon Eichelberger (SE)
Rebecca O’Neill (RO)
Eugene Eichelberger (EE)
Sharon Flynn (SF)
Clement McGann (CM)
Joseph Quinn (JQ)
User Group
Sabina Bonnici is stepping back from the group so she will not be signing
the User Agreement. SHe will contact Wikimedia to change the contact info
to RO who will sign the agreement along with SE
EE will follow up on use of domain
SE sorted the uploaded images for 2014 and found that 46% of the monuments
captured had no previous image in Wikimedia
SE will continue to update and clean up the data. When it is completed EE
will set up a meeting with the DAHG
2015 Schedule
The schedule for 2015 has be finalised. Here is a brief overview:
6 edit-a-thons including one for Engineering Week and several with National
Museum of Ireland
Attendance at 4 conferences including the annual CESI Conference, EdTech
Conference, and Digital Preservation Conference
2015 Wiki Loves Monuments Contest
We hope to have several programs up and running at NUI Galway
We also hope to establish relationships with NMI Collins Barracks and the
National Maritime Museum
In conjunction with the report on the WLM grant SE will request to retain
unused funds to help to fund the project for the next year. The funds will
be used to acquire several wifi boxes and laptop computers for events, a
printing budget, and other miscellaneous costs
One of the main focuses of this year will be recruiting. JQ has some
contacts at NUIG, Glasnevin and Trinity that might be interested. A casual
meeting will be arranged in the next few weeks to “pitch” the group and try
to recruit more members
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 14 January at 6pm. If you
would like to attend, either in person or virtually, please send an email
to wikimediaireland(a)