Hi all,
sorry about lack of contact over last while but I started a new job
and was quite busy. The new job is, however, as a Project Coordinator
for Dublin City of Science 2012. Dublin will host the Euroscience Open
Forum (ESOF) in July 2012 and is currently seeking calls for proposals
for talks to be held at the 5-day conference.
Deadline for proposals is June 30th 2011.
We will also be hosting a lot of outreach events over the next year
and I definitely think Wikimedia should get involved in some way -
either by presenting a talk or hosting in some outreach events. Do we
have anyone confident enough to speak about Wikimedia's activities and
goals on board? Maybe a how-to-edit master-class? Ideas are welcome.
Anyone from England (and worldwide) is welcome too.
I hope Wikimedia can collaborate in some way,
Looking forward to hearing from you,
p.s. my name is Conor Dowdall ... Conor Wao is just an online profile!
May be relevant to some -- note that there are travel bursaries available.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich(a)okfn.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:15 AM
Subject: [Wiki-research-l] OGDCamp 2011: Call for Participation
To: Wiki-Research-I <wiki-research-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
Dear All
The following is the Call for Participation for the Open Government Data
Camp 2011
* http://ogdcamp.org/cfp/
* What: The world's biggest open data event to date.
* When: 20-21st October, with satellite events from 17-26th October
* Where: Warsaw, Poland
* Web: http://www.ogdcamp.org
* Hashtag: #ogdcamp
*# Submit your Proposal*
This event and will bring together the international Open Government Data
Community, so please: be bold! We encourage people to submit talks,
workshops and satellite events that are visionary, extraordinary and even
mindblowing! If you have something to say, propose or demonstrate that will
ignite the imagination of the crowd.
Please submit a proposal via the link below:
* http://ogdcamp.org/programme/submit/
There are four main kinds of submission:
* Lightning presentations - 5 minutes
* Talks - 10-15 minutes
* Sessions - 2-4 hours
* Satellite events in the days surrounding the camp - 1/2 day / full day
*## About *
The camp has 4 key objectives:
* Build consensus – around core open data principles and values
* Build community – expand and strengthen international open data
* Share ideas – on the future of open data and how we can do things better
* Make things – from starting projects, to making plans, to writing code
*## Who is behind it?*
Open Government Data Camp is run as collaborative partnership between key
stakeholders in the open government data community around the world. Find
out more at:
* http://ogdcamp.org/about/who/
*# Registration*
Registration is now open. Make sure you get one of the few early bird
tickets at
* http://ogdcamp.org/register/
*## Travel Bursaries*
We have several travel bursaries available to support participants who could
otherwise note afford to attend the camp, including:
* A European bursary for EU27 citizens and residents travelling from
within Europe, provided by the European Commission.
* An international bursary.
* A US bursary, provided by the Sunlight Foundation.
Full details are available at:
* http://ogdcamp.org/bursaries/
*## Stay in touch*
If you're interested in talking with others interested in open government
data around the world, you can introduce yourself on the open-government
mailing list:
* http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-government
You can follow developments on Twitter with the hashtag #ogdcamp.
If you have any questions for the organising team, please contact:
We are looking forward meeting you in Warsaw!
Daniel Dietrich for the OGDCamp organiser team.
Daniel Dietrich
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org - www.opendefinition.org
Mail: daniel.dietrich(a)okfn.org
Mobil: +49 171 780 870 3
Twitter: @ddie
Wiki-research-l mailing list
If you're working with cultural heritage data, this free open data-related
event in London this October may be of interest:
Mia is still looking for a few good speakers, as well.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mia <mia.ridge(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 5:14 PM
Subject: [LOD-LAM] Open data in cultural heritage (LODLAM-London), October
To: lod-lam(a)googlegroups.com
Hi all,
I thought you might be interested in this LODLAM-ish event in London,
'Open data in cultural heritage' (info below). You can get free
tickets at http://lodlamlon11.eventbrite.com. Europeana's
'EuropeanaTech' event will have been the day before, so I'm sure we
can also report back on any developments there.
Also, if you can think of anyone who'd make a good speaker, let me
know! I figure this group will know people who can speak for five
minutes on their open data projects - I'm particularly interested in
people who've run successful projects in cultural heritage
institutions, or created something that has changed how a LAM thinks
about open data.
Cheers, Mia
Open data in cultural heritage (LODLAM-London)
A meetup for people interested in the applications of linked and open
data for cultural heritage.
Building on earlier 'linking museums' and London #OpenData
(#opendataLDN) meetups, this event is an opportunity to think more
widely about Linked Open Data in Libraries Archives and Museums
(LODLAM) and bring together a wider community of people interested in
open data. It will focus on the success stories for open data in
cultural heritage (with a nod to the barriers to publishing usable
open data).
We'll have some interesting speakers with short talks on their work
with open data in cultural heritage, including Paul Rowe, Joint CEO at
Vernon Systems in New Zealand, and potentially Leif Isaksen, who could
share his experiences with the Google Ancient Places (GAP) and
PELAGIOS projects.
We'll also have small discussion sessions to think creatively about
how we can overcome the barriers. We want to gather together success
stories for open data projects, and address the issues that limit the
publication of open data in cultural institutions.
You! If you're interested in using or publishing open cultural data
and want to help getting better data out there for people to use... Or
if you work with a cultural institution and are curious to know why
people care so much, have experience to share, or want to know how
open data might help your organisation, we'd love you to come along to
find out more.
Thanks to the Open Knowledge Foundation we have a great space at the
Centre for Creative Collaboration (#c4cc), 16 Acton Street, London,
WC1X 9NG [map and directions].