Wikidata October 2016
  • 73 participants
  • 49 discussions
External link Twitter --> Wikidata
by Brill Lyle 11 Oct '16

11 Oct '16
5 11
0 0

08 Oct '16
[CfP] ESWC2017 – Call for Events
by Ruben Verborgh 07 Oct '16

07 Oct '16
[CfP] ESWC2017 – Call for Papers
by Ruben Verborgh 07 Oct '16

07 Oct '16
signing license declarations
by Benjamin Good 06 Oct '16

06 Oct '16

06 Oct '16
List of WP-languages and language short code
by Markus Bärlocher 05 Oct '16

05 Oct '16
14 28
0 0
SPARQL power users and developers
by Markus Kroetzsch 05 Oct '16

05 Oct '16
12 26
0 0
Wikidata weekly summary #229
by Léa Lacroix 03 Oct '16

03 Oct '16
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