I have submitted a presentation about the Wikipedia Primary School project for Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. https://wikimania2015.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Are_we_really_an_educat...
we have been working for 1 year now on the project making a pilot in South Africa and we trust the experience is starting producing a new methodology and it can be replicated. it would be great to have your feedback to make it better.
basically what we are working on is to review articles, involve scholars and getting the South African primary school content improved on Wikipedia (sometimes content is already good, often the summery is not clear, sometimes articles are missing and other times examples and content is not very international). Some of the articles selected are probably relevant for several curricula around the world and it would be great to test the experience in other countries.
if you are interested in the topic please sign up to support the presentation. and join the discussion online or at Wikimania if possible. thanks iolanda