Dear Community Members,
We are pleased to inform you that the first round of scholarships to facilitate attendance for this year's virtual Wikimania has been accepted and the funds are being distributed.
As previously announced, the scholarships for the 2021 Wikimania are only being channeled through affiliates. This was a complex decision and something that we will build on for next year. Individuals who are not in a community with an affiliate but would wish to receive support like data, mobile top-off, and childcare can request a nearby affiliate for support.
We have so far received 22 Scholarship applications.
We appeal to all affiliates to be supportive of nearby regional communities that may need help and reach out to the COT should there be need for further guidance. Scholarship applications close on 31 July 2021
Digital Assets
We also invite you to work with this Wikimania’s digital assets, which include high-resolution graphics and virtual backgrounds. Access the digital assets HERE and have fun.
Best Wishes,
Winnie Kabintie (User:Ms_Kabintie, on behalf of the Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team.