Hello all,
I will be presenting at the Wiki Conference North America on *African-North American partnerships*. In order to make a meaningful presentation that will serve as a precursor for this proposed partnership or collaboration, I have created a short survey to be able to understand the various Usergroups/Communities on the African continent and their needs.
Please, spare 5 minutesof your time to fill this survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfMV_0mhm9yNa10YhpNaEwMu2hBytZrYnXSVe8KvVQ7MbJLYg/viewformfor your Usergroup/community. I will appreciate if is completed before *November 7*.
*Raphael Berchie*
Twitter@berchie4gh https://twitter.com/berchie4gh Facebook https://www.facebook.com/berchie Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphael-berchie-32705822?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile