Stas Malyshev, 25/10/2017 23:22:
Wikidata and Search Platform teams are happy to announce that Wikidata prefix search (aka wbsearchentities API aka the thing you use when you type into that box on the top right or any time you edit an item or property and use the selector widget)
Is the "selector widget" some gadget or non-default preference, or do you just mean the dropdown suggestions in the field for the value of a property? When I select the property I still see a wbsgetsuggestions request (which is good because I get suggestions of common properties); only when I switch to the next field I see some wbsearchentities/wbgetentities/other requests.
- better language support (matches along fallback chain and also can
match in any language, with lower score)
Useful! I tested with , Q12756715 and Q997741 (random items without any label or description in my languages or fallbacks thereof) and I can still match them when I try to add them as values on another item.