Before I had a difficult time understanding, but with that full example of in front of me, a lot of the RDF Dump Format page is now easier for me to understand.
New question: when I see that says "This page provides a linked data interface to entity values", can you tell me what "entity" means in the context of Wikidata? If I was going to refer to something that can be identified with a URI and described by triples in which it is the subject, I would just use the term "resource" as described at (and remembering what "RDF" stands for!) so I'm guessing that "entity" means something a little more specific than that here.
On 03/18/2017 05:27 PM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
Am 18.03.2017 um 21:27 schrieb Bob DuCharme:
Thanks Daniel!
How do I find a full statement representation? For example, what would the full statement representation be for a triple like {wd:Q64 wdt:P1376 wd:Q183}?
The full representation of the statement in this case is:
wds:Q64-43CCD3D6-F52E-4742-B0E3-BCA671B69D2C a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank ; ps:P1376 wd:Q183 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom wdref:ba76a7c0f885fa85b10368696ab4ac89680aa073 .
wdref:ba76a7c0f885fa85b10368696ab4ac89680aa073 a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P248 wd:Q451546 ; pr:P958 "Artikel 2 (1)" .
This RDF representation can be found at Content negotiation will take you there from the canonical URI,
In addition to the actual value, the RDF above also give the rank, and a source reference (nameley, the re-unification treaty).
This statement doesn't currently have a qualifier - it should have at least one, stating since when Berlin is the Capital of Germany. That qualifier would be represented as:
wds:Q64-43CCD3D6-F52E-4742-B0E3-BCA671B69D2C pq:P580 "1990-10-03T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
The Statement ID, Q64$43CCD3D6-F52E-4742-B0E3-BCA671B69D2C, can be found in the HTML source of the page, encoded as a CSS class. These IDs are not exposed nicely anywhere. But usually, one would look at the RDF representation right away, or at least got from HTML to *all* the RDF.
HTH -- daniel