Thanks Stas & especially Kingsley for the example:
# All subclasses of a class example # here all subclasses of P279 Organization (Q43229) SELECT ?item ?label ?itemDescription ?itemAltLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P279 wd:Q43229; rdfs:label ?label . # SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de,fr,ja,cn,ru,es,sv,pl,nl,sl,ca,it" } FILTER (LANG(?label) = "en") } ORDER BY ASC(LCASE(?itemLabel))
When I pull the FILTER line out of above I have almost what I need - "the universe" of all sub classes of organization (regardless of language). I want all subclasses in the output, not just those available currently with an English label.
In the table output, is it possible to get: a column for language code, and get the description to show up (if available for that row)? That would be very helpful prior to my manual operations.
Can I easily export the results table to CSV or Excel? I can filter and sort easily from there provided I have the hooks.
Thanks very much!
On 2/23/2017 1:22 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 2/23/17 12:59 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
On 2/23/17 7:20 AM, Thad Guidry wrote:
In Freebase we had a parameter %lang=all
Does the SPARQL label service have something similar ?
Not as such, but you don't need it if you want all the labels, just do:
?item rdfs:label ?label
and you'd get all labels. No need to invoke service for that, the service is for when you have specific set of languages you're interested in.
Example at:
-- Regards,
Kingsley Idehen Founder & CEO OpenLink Software (Home Page:
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