Den 29-08-2013 14:49, Katie Filbert skrev:
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Byrial Jensen <> wrote:
Den 29-08-2013 11:58, Katie Filbert skrev: On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Byrial Jensen < <> <mailto:byrial@vip.cybercity.__dk <>>> wrote: I just found that there also are cases with 'time' => 'bad' See for example <> < <>>. It has the time given as "+00000001984-23-01T00:00:00Z"____; note that the month number is 23. A list of "bad" time values would also be very helpful. The "bad" value type is used to flag values that can't be "parsed" into one of the valid types. These were likely added when wikidata has less strict validation of api input so are still in the database. I will make a list, but I had to modify my database dump parser program once more after also finding the "bad" time values and restart reading the database dump, so it take some extra time to be ready.
No hurry.
It turned out that Q7415505 mentioned above is the only case in the 2013-08-27 database dump where a time value is given with "bad" value data type.
So "bad" is used 1 time for a time value, and 79 times for coordinate values (list at
Regards, - Byrial