On 8/12/13 12:56 PM, Nicolas Torzec wrote:
With respect to the RDF export I'd advocate for:
- an RDF format with one fact per line.
- the use of a mature/proven RDF generation framework.
Yes, keep it simple, use Turtle.
The additional benefit of Turtle is that is addresses a wide data consumer profile i.e., one that extends from the casual end-user all the way up to a parser developer.
When producing Turtle, if possible, stay away from Prefixes, also look to using relative URIs which will eliminate complexity and confusion that can arise re. Linked Deployment.
Simple rules that have helped me, eternally:
1. denote entities not of type Web Resource or Document using hash based HTTP URIs 2. denote source documents (the docs comprised of the data being published) using relative URIs via <> 3. stay away from prefixes (they confuse casual end-users).
BTW -- I suspect some might be wandering, isn't this N-Triples? Answer: No, because of the use of relative HTTP URIs to denote documents, which isn't supported by N-Triples.
A Turtle based RDF model based structured data dump from Wikidata would be a might valuable contribution to the Linked Open Data Cloud.