Hi Anthony,
that's the internal data structure, and this is bound to change without notice. I am sorry if this caused trouble.
If this is a common concern, we will start documenting and announcing those changes. It really should only concern the people processing the XML dumps.
We would prefer to actually create a more stable output dump of the knowledge - I guess this would be more appreciated (like the RDF dump that Markus has posted about recently).
The call to get the item description should have been
This should provide you with a more stable answer.
Cheers, Denny
2013/8/1 Huidong Zhang anthonyzhang@google.com
I noticed that the response from " http://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Q1&prop=revisi..." changed from "entity":"q1" to "entity":["item",1]. Is this change applied to all pages?
In the latest wikidata dump ( http://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/latest/wikidatawiki-latest-pages-met...), both formats exist at the same time. For example, page Q100 has: "entity":["item",100], while page Q100000 has "entity":"q100000". Is it expected? Will the next dump have same format? By the way, " http://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Q100000&prop=r..." return "entity":["item",100000].
-- Best wishes, Anthony Zhang (Huidong Zhang)
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